
Happy New Year 2016! & a resolution not to hold back photography

  • January 11, 2016


Wish you all a “Very Happy New Year”. And may the new year bring health, wealth and prosperity to you all. And this may very well be the time when you do not want to procrastinate about photography. Pick up your camera (even if it is a cell phone camera) and start to take pictures. This will minimally help you gain expertise in a few different aspects of photography.
You would get better at composition, framing & the art of telling a story. How you bring the various aspects of the subject and the surroundings into the picture will be valuable either way.
I have heard so many of the really good photographers say that every picture should tell a story. And it is capturing the story that you will be accustomed to.

When you look at some of the Pulitzer prize winning pictures, you will agree that a picture is worth a thousand words. They are so compelling.

So let your camera tell a story. Take it upon yourself to capture the simple moments in life. You will come to achieve a photographic eye.

Below is an excellent article on why you should give any excuses in the new year.

5 Excuses That Will Hold Back Your Photography in 2016


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