
Get your cameras out now more than anytime of the year!

  • June 4, 2018

Folks, it’s that time of the year again where the weather is awesome, the lighting is perfect and there is a lot more opportunity to spend time outside. You will spend a lot more time outside and make plans for travels or simply hang around more in your backyard/balcony/porch. Get your photograhy gear and get started. Few things to help you get the perfect picture

  1. It’s all about light
    The time of the day is an important factor. Typically you should look for a time when the light is not harsh. So, early mornings or post afternoon, i.e. the dawn and the dusk phases are good times to take a picture.
  2. Frame visualize compose your picture
    When walking around you will see a lot of interesting things. Look at how you can frame the picture. i.e what do you really want to capture. Nature is full of amazing colors and matching patterns, see if you can spot some that will make a good picture. Many times you have the inherent quality to figure it out, just probably didn’t know it existed.
  3. Just take pictures a lot more
    Just taking pictures a lot more helps you think about things that one probably missed. Different settings, different compositions, subjects all can be thought provoking. Look back at the pictures you took and see if they can be improved or appreciate the good ones you got. It is comforting when others second your opinion on a good pic.
  4. Even a cell phone camera can be good enough
    I understand the temptation where a camera gear is too much to carry. But your cell phone can work well too. First understand the settings your camera has. What can you do to focus, maybe adjust the exposure or different modes for taking a picture and what will suit best for the situation.

Hope this gives you enough reasons to not let the time pass by and miss out on the lifes moments rather treasure them as beautiful pictures. Leave a comment on how you plan to take those amazing shots.