
Shooting a bouquet of flowers 30,000 meters into space

  • August 31, 2016

An artist Mokoto Azuma from Japan has had a liking for flowers since a very young age. He has tried to find out how flowers behave in different conditions. To test the behavior of the flowers, in a way to bring about the art in their changes he has put them in space.

He is a florist with a deep passion for flowers. He has in his unique studio underground a specially controlled room for the flowers to bloom their best.

He is currently experimenting taking pictures of flower art in the deep sea.

Read more about it in this CNN article : http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/30/arts/makoto-azuma-flower-art/index.html

Interested in knowing more about how this all came about take a look at http://exobiotanica.com/ (Botanical Space Flight)

Please note, the above picture of the flower is copyrighted in my name.